Can you make some changes in windows so that you could access the windows again even if victim changes the password ?? or Can you make any changes in your own windows so that you could access it anytime even if anybody sets/changes password ? Simply Can we set a backdoor in windows ? Yes we can :) .
Backdoor actually means maintaining access. okay lets do one thing first. Open your command prompt (run as administrator in win 7/vista).
Type the following command :
Syntax : net user *
Example: net user administrator *
and hit enter. Set any password for that account.
Hopefully your new password must have been set. did you notice one thing ? It didn't ask you to confirm old password. Now suppose if anyhow we manage to access command prompt at logon screen (without logging in), we can easily change/clear password. Okay lets move on. Now press shift key five times and you must have got a dialog box "sticky keys" on screen.
Sticky keys is a feature that makes it easy for users who have physical disablilities to press multiple keys
at time. This is the only feature which can be used before logging in at logon screen ( as per my knowledge).
I repeat this feature can be used at logon screen by pressing shift key five times. Whenevr we start an application like paint, we are actually running mspaint.exe placed inC:\windows\system32. or command prompt, we are running cmd.exe placed in system32 directory, similary When we press shift key 5 times or use sticky keys feature, system actually starts the executable file sethc.exe placed in system32 directory. This means if we rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe and press shift 5 times, system would again start sethc.exe but instead of sticky keys the command prompt will be opened. But you just cant simply rename it or change system32 files. Follow the tutorial for that.
Windows vista/7 Users
1. Right click on sethc.exe and run as administrator.
Nice post