Why we need java while we already have c and c++ languages ?
Can you answer ..
Yes you are correct c is plateform dependent language.means an exe file generated on my pc by a c program may not works same on your pc.
Reason -
So bit format of each plateform may be different bits 0101 may be print "Hello" on my pc but same 0101 may print "hiii" on yours.
Here plateform refers - Mac OS , Windows , MS Dos , Linux etc
So we need plateform independency hence we need JAVA
in 1992, under guidance of James Gosling a team named as Green Team started working on this project.Initially Java names as Oak but then name changed to JAVA(cooffie) thats why java have icon of cup of coffie.
Characteristics of Java
7.WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere)
Read our next post first program of java with full description.
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