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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Text to speech converter in java

So are you really want to talk with your computer ? 
Need java code to do it for you ?

You are at correct place so start with very start ...

A Java Program which can speak :)

Follow these steps and start -

Step 1 - 

You need to download api freetts for text to speech converter in java. don't get panic here is the link - Download Freetts Package

done  :)

you can refer document for your ease - Refer Document 

Step 2 - 

Now setup environment is as follows -

a) extract freetts package 

b) navigate to lib folder and double click on jsapi exe file. it will create a jsapi jar file.

c) Copy file from  freetts folder to home directory folder. ie. if your computer name is ABC then your home directory will be like - C:\Users\ABC

done :)

Step 3 - 

Open NetBeans IDE and add usable packages - 

a) Create a new project ie. TextToSpeech

b)  Right click on your project TextToSpeech click on properties.

c) Now a new pop up window will appear , now click on "Libraries" from left pane.  

d) Now click on add jar/folder tab and add these jar files in same order as given bellow - 

now go to lib folder and add these jar files :

1. en_us.jar

2. mbrola.jar
3. jsapi.jar
4. freetts-jsapi10.jar

Step 4 - Now start code work. write a java file named as -  Text2Speech

Code -

import javax.speech.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.speech.synthesis.*;

public class Text2Speech
    String speaktext;

    public void dospeak(String speak,String  voicename)
        String voiceName =voicename;
            SynthesizerModeDesc desc = new SynthesizerModeDesc(null,"general",  Locale.US,null,null);
            Synthesizer synthesizer =  Central.createSynthesizer(desc);
            desc = (SynthesizerModeDesc)  synthesizer.getEngineModeDesc();
            Voice[] voices = desc.getVoices();
            Voice voice = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < voices.length; i++)
                if (voices[i].getName().equals(voiceName))
                    voice = voices[i];
            System.out.print("Speaking : "+speaktext);
            synthesizer.speakPlainText(speaktext, null);
        catch (Exception e)
            String message = " missing in " + System.getProperty("user.home") + "\n";

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Text2Speech obj=new Text2Speech(); obj.dospeak("Shashank Mishra I M S Engineering college ghaziabad","kevin16");

Now save file and run.

Note -  always run jar file , you can find jar file of your project in dist folder.

Output - 

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He is a blogger/website designer and developer.he is founder of and also loves web programming.


  1. working nice , finally got a good solution , thanks.

  2. why this exception?

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/speech/freetts/ValidationException

    1. file copied to your home or not ???

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Im getting Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/speech/freetts/ValidationException

    used to get another error, but then i putted the at my home folder, then i just get that one.

  4. getting this eror java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException

  5. add these jar files :

    1. en_us.jar
    2. mbrola.jar
    3. jsapi.jar
    4. freetts-jsapi10.jar

    in same order as given here , copy speech.prop file to your home folder ..

    and then let me know , what is the whole problem .

  6. Or remove the synth.deallocate(); from code and then try.

  7. Add all the jars in lib. Then that classDefnotfound error won't come.

  8. Replies
    1. To run by cmd follow these steps -

      1) Add jar files to your classpath
      2) Compile your code
      3) Convert it to jar file
      4) Run it.

  9. Instead of kevin16.. can i use female voices.. I tried using mbrola but didnt work. pplease let me know how to use female voices?

  10. I like it most.10000000000000 likes from me. This is very helpful post for me. Thank you..

  11. hello ! i have problem that this code gets compiled successfully but when i run it displays nullPointerException

  12. Thanks for sharing this amazing post plz visit Text Speaker 3.3 Full Crack

  13. Are you a YouTuber? A content creator? Or a movie maker?
    As a result, you might need voice services.
    You can try this tool to listen to the natural pronunciations from a ton of languages: Talk With AI. It is a FREE online tool to convert text into audio files
    Intro Video:
    How to Use:


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