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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Trick to find out rank of word or word of any rank

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 Math Trick to find out rank of any word ,Math Trick to find out word of any rank.

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We know very large number of students facing problem  to find out rank of any word or word of any rank , so here is the solution very easy to use just learn and deploy. 

Example : 

55th word of SHUVANK in dictionary ?



Method 1 : ( Hit & Trial ) applicable only if word not repeating

Choose any option 

Suppose we take  (1)  AHNKSUV 

Now  put numbering on each word as given bellow -  

Now move from left to right and put  a number "n" .bellow to every letter.

n ==> number of smaller letter in right hand side of that letter.

Example -

1) For A no any letter smaller in right hand side so n=0

2) For H no any letter smaller in right hand side so n=0
3) For N there is 1 letter smaller (k) in right hand side so n=1
and so on .....

wrong option
( Here 1 added for word itself )

So its wrong option , now doing this is very easy .

Check next option : AHSNKUV

Correct option.
( Here 1 added for word itself )

feel free to comment if any doubt comes in your mind.

Method 2 -  ( For Non-Repeating letter  )

This method is just reverse of 1st but working is very fast , once you understand , you will able to use it very quickly.

Suppose we have to find 42nd word of ADOPT using this method ?

Step 1 :

word rank = 42
we have to count 41 place because at 42nd number word itself lies.
find out n as a number less than word rank so n=42-1 ==> 41
So n=41
Step 2 :
since we know adopt have 5 letters.
write it as
x(4!) + n2x(3!) + n3x(2!) + n4x(1!) + n5x(0!) 
just like do numbering in method 1 , ok leave that now our task is to move from left to right.
and put values of n1,n2,n3,n4,n5 such that
n1x(4!) + n2x(3!) + n3x(2!) + n4x(1!) + n5x(0!) =41
after solving left to right we can-

write as - 1x(4!)+2x(3!)+2x(2!)+1x(1!) +0x(0!)

Step 3 :

Now write it as -

4    3    2    1     0
?    ?    ?    ?     ?

n1  n2  n3  n4  n5


4 3 2 1 0
? ? ? ? ?

1 2 2 1 0

Now last step to find out ? values.

Step 4 :

SO Answer will be "D P T O A"

Now you think how can i say it. guess, yes correct by the help of values of n1,n2,n3,n4,n5
just follow this algo :

1) Sort whole word in decreasing order and put rank as

4 3  2 1  0

2) now for 1st place find out value of n1 which is 1 so choose letter which is over 1 and thats D

3) so we got first letter as D so our word is D _ _ _ _  , now again start from (1) with remaining letters TPOA.


1st Iteration :


4 3  2 1  0

2) now for 1st place find out value of n1 which is 1 so choose letter which is over 1 and thats D

3) D _ _ _ _

2nd Iteration :1)

T  P O  A

3  2  1  0

2) now for 2nd place find out value of n2 which is 2 so choose letter which is over 2 and thats P

3) D P _ _ _

3rd Iteration :1)

T   O  A

2   1   0

2) now for 3rd place find out value of n3 which is 2 so choose letter which is over 2 and thats T

3) D P T _ _

4th Iteration :1)

   O  A

   1   0

2) now for 4th place find out value of n4 which is 1 so choose letter which is over 1 and thats O

3) D P T O _ ==> DPTOA

Here we show you each step but once you get it i am sure its very easy to implement  and very less time taking.

Hope you enjoyed this post .
For repeating letter's we will post very soon. All the Best !

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He is a blogger/website designer and developer.he is founder of and also loves web programming.


  1. thank you but what will be the sol in the case of repetations???

  2. Please find out the 42nd word of ADOPT using this method

    1. 42 write as - 1x(4!)+2x(3!)+2x(2!)+1x(1!) +0x(0!)+ 1(word itself)

      SO Answer will be "D P T O A"


      4 3 2 1 0
      D P T O A
      1 2 2 1 0

  3. Replies
    1. O is Repeating so use This Trick


      4 3 2 1 0
      R O B O T
      2 1 0 0 0
      1/2 1/2 1 1 1

      Rank= 4! x 2 x 1/2 + 3! x1x1/2 + 0 + 0+0+1(ROBOT itself)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It does'nt works for 49th word of ABUSER which should be ARBESU

    So we can see by this trick 0x5! + 2x4! + 0x3! + 0x2! + 0x1! + 0x0!=48

    Another option which was given ARBEUS

    For this 0x5! + 2x4! + 0x3! + 0x2! + 1x1! + 0x0!=49

    But its the wrong!!

    1. Tanu you missed to add 1 for word itself


      So 0x5! + 2x4! + 0x3! + 0x2! + 0x1! + 0x0! +1 (ARBESU itself)=49


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